뉴욕여행 첫날 아침에 일어나서 맨해튼뷰를 보니 드디어 미국이구나 라는 실감이 뉴욕여행 첫날 아침에 일어나서 맨해튼뷰를 보니 드디어 미국이구나 라는 실감이
씻지 않고 모자를 푹 눌러쓰고 타임스퀘어를 산책하고, 아침밥을 먹으러 출발 씻지 않고 모자를 푹 눌러쓰고 타임스퀘어를 산책하고, 아침밥을 먹으러 출발

들뜬 나의 형 들뜬 나의 형
호텔 바로 앞에서 보인 뷔미주 바느질 ㅋㅋㅋ 여긴 어디야? 80년대 한국과 같은 느낌 호텔 바로 앞에서 보인 뷔미주 바느질 ㅋㅋㅋ 여긴 어디야? 80년대 한국과 같은 느낌

코트야드 메리어트 타임스퀘어 호텔은 정말 위치가 최고라서 5분정도 걸어가시면 베스트 베이글이 있습니다 코트야드 메리어트 타임스퀘어 호텔은 정말 위치가 최고라서 5분정도 걸어가시면 베스트 베이글이 있습니다
Best Bagel & Coffee 225 W 35th StA, 뉴욕, NY 10001 미국 Best Bagel & Coffee 225 W 35th StA, 뉴욕, NY 10001 미국
베스트 베이글은 베이글이 맛집으로 리버티 베이글, 에사 베이글 등과 함께 뉴욕 베이글이 맛집으로 유명한 곳 베스트 베이글은 베이글이 맛집으로 리버티 베이글, 에사 베이글 등과 함께 뉴욕 베이글이 맛집으로 유명한 곳
베이글에 바르는 스프레드(크림치즈) 그리고 베이글빵 종류를 골라야합니다 종류가 너무 많아 인기있는것을 물었더니 어니언, 스커리온(파)을 추천해준 연어와 궁합이 잘맞는 크림치즈 베이글빵 종류도 고를수 있는데 뉴욕에서 처음 먹는 베이글이라 빵 종류는 에브리싱으로 베이글에 바르는 스프레드(크림치즈) 그리고 베이글빵 종류를 골라야합니다 종류가 너무 많아 인기있는것을 물었더니 어니언, 스커리온(파)을 추천해준 연어와 궁합이 잘맞는 크림치즈 베이글빵 종류도 고를수 있는데 뉴욕에서 처음 먹는 베이글이라 빵 종류는 에브리싱으로
저희가 고른 메뉴입니다. 훈제드살몬과 추천하는 스칼리온 크림 치즈 스프레드와 토마토, 어니언까지 넣어서 너무 든든한 베이글로 만들었으며 거기에 프레시 오렌지 주스, 짜낸거 추가로 둘이 베이글 하나 나눠먹는데 가격이.. 뉴욕 물가는 정말 장난 아니에요 제가 갔을 때 환율이 1400원이 넘을 때인데 정말 우리 돈으로 환산하면 거의 3만원 가까이.. 뉴욕 물가, 미쳤어요 저희가 고른 메뉴입니다. 훈제드살몬과 추천하는 스칼리온 크림 치즈 스프레드와 토마토, 어니언까지 넣어서 너무 든든한 베이글로 만들었으며 거기에 프레시 오렌지 주스, 짜낸거 추가로 둘이 베이글 하나 나눠먹는데 가격이.. 뉴욕 물가는 정말 장난 아니에요 제가 갔을 때 환율이 1400원이 넘을 때인데 정말 우리 돈으로 환산하면 거의 3만원 가까이.. 뉴욕 물가, 미쳤어요
뉴욕베스트베이글은 안에서 먹는것과 테이크아웃과 가격차이가 없었고 연어도 포함해서 베이글도 따뜻하게 토스트한것이라 안에서 먹고 가려고 합니다 뉴욕베스트베이글은 안에서 먹는것과 테이크아웃과 가격차이가 없었고 연어도 포함해서 베이글도 따뜻하게 토스트한것이라 안에서 먹고 가려고 합니다
영수증에 번호가 적혀있고, 상기 계산대 옆 창구에서 번호를 알려준다 영수증에 번호가 적혀있고, 상기 계산대 옆 창구에서 번호를 알려준다
베이글 기다리면서 인스타에도 올려보고 베이글 스프레드 크림치즈들 또한 구경 아이스크림처럼 알록달록 있는게 너무 귀엽지 않나요 베이글 기다리면서 인스타에도 올려보고 베이글 스프레드 크림치즈들 또한 구경 아이스크림처럼 알록달록 있는게 너무 귀엽지 않나요
드디어 나온 우리가 주문한 베스트 베이글 메뉴! 아침에는 정말 출근길에 베이글을 테이크아웃해가는 경찰, 직장인, 그 외 등등 뉴요커들이 많더라구요 뉴욕의 베이글이 맛집이구나 하고 들떠있었을 생과일주스 가격이 좀 비싸서 기성품인 오렌지주스 살까 고민했는데 사실 저는 나탈리스주스 마켓컬리에서 시켜먹었거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ 확실히 맛있어요 그래서 생과일주스를 시켰는데 정말 최고의 맛이 바로 미국산 오렌지 맛인 줄 알았어요 비싸지만 정말 최고였어요. 상큼함 폭발! 뉴욕에서 베이글집에 가면 한번은 프레쉬 오렌지 주스 시켜보세요 드디어 나온 우리가 주문한 베스트 베이글 메뉴! 아침에는 정말 출근길에 베이글을 테이크아웃해가는 경찰, 직장인, 그 외 등등 뉴요커들이 많더라구요 뉴욕의 베이글이 맛집이구나 하고 들떠있었을 생과일주스 가격이 좀 비싸서 기성품인 오렌지주스 살까 고민했는데 사실 저는 나탈리스주스 마켓컬리에서 시켜먹었거든요 ㅋㅋㅋ 확실히 맛있어요 그래서 생과일주스를 시켰는데 정말 최고의 맛이 바로 미국산 오렌지 맛인 줄 알았어요 비싸지만 정말 최고였어요. 상큼함 폭발! 뉴욕에서 베이글집에 가면 한번은 프레쉬 오렌지 주스 시켜보세요
저희 베이글 15달러가 넘는 비싼 가격이긴 했지만 정말 정말 두꺼워요! 베이글을 하나 사서 둘이 나눠먹어도 완전 충분하고 혼자 여행하시는 분들은 하나 사서 두끼 먹었는데 나름의 크기인 베스트 베이글도 쫀득쫀득하고 크림치즈도 정말 신선했고 오렌지주스도 최고로 맛있었습니다 저희 베이글 15달러가 넘는 비싼 가격이긴 했지만 정말 정말 두꺼워요! 베이글을 하나 사서 둘이 나눠먹어도 완전 충분하고 혼자 여행하시는 분들은 하나 사서 두끼 먹었는데 나름의 크기인 베스트 베이글도 쫀득쫀득하고 크림치즈도 정말 신선했고 오렌지주스도 최고로 맛있었습니다
Best Bagel & Coffee · 225 W 35th StA 、ニューヨーク、 NY 10001 goo.gl Best Bagel & Coffee · 225 W 35th StA 、ニューヨーク、 NY 10001 ★★★★★ · Bagel Shop goo.gl
#New York Gourmet #New York Bagels #New York BagelsGourmet #BestBagels #TravelNew York #BreakfastNew York #New YorkGourmet #New YorkBagelsGourmet #BestBagels#TravelNew York#BreakfastNewYork
It’s a shame to go into the hotel right after breakfast. On my way to take a walk in Time Square, there were already shops on the side of the road with the legalization of cannabis. There were so many e-cigarette shops in Korea that I was scared at first. Are you getting used to this? Even if you don’t like the smell, it seems like you’re getting used to it.. It’s a shame to go into the hotel right after breakfast. On my way to take a walk in Time Square, there were already shops on the side of the road with the legalization of cannabis. There were so many e-cigarette shops in Korea that I was scared at first. Are you getting used to this? Even if you don’t like the smell, it seems like you’re getting used to it..
And I went to Times Square for a walk in the morning, so it’s good to take pictures because there aren’t many people on the street, and I’m glad there are only New Yorkers who go to work because there aren’t many tourists! I recommend early in the morning to include Time Square in the schedule. I’m going to go somewhere anyway I’m not going to watch it And I went to Times Square for a walk in the morning, so it’s good to take pictures because there aren’t many people on the street, and I’m glad there are only New Yorkers who go to work because there aren’t many tourists! I recommend early in the morning to include Time Square in the schedule. I’m going to go somewhere anyway I’m not going to watch it
I couldn’t take out the picture because I didn’t wash both of them, but I’m so glad I was free I couldn’t take out the picture because I didn’t wash both of them, but I’m so glad I was free
Times Square America 10036 New York, Manhattan★★★★★ Grand Square goo.gl Times Square America 10036 New York, Manhattan★★★★★ Grand Square goo.gl
I was rehearsing before the event opened, perhaps because an event related to the Broadway musical was scheduled to be held in the main square of Times Square I was rehearsing before the event opened, perhaps because an event related to the Broadway musical was scheduled to be held in the main square of Times Square
I was sneaking around, and I was hosting a modern family Mitchell (I was so happy to see an American I knew) I was sneaking around, and I was hosting a modern family Mitchell (I was so happy to see an American I knew)
It was an event to promote Broadway musicals, so the Broadway musical team was rehearsing one song at a time, but unlike the actual musical, you can take videos, and if you listen to it in various ways, you can feel the difference between musicals! What should we watch in a musical in New York, If you’re worried, I’ll upload a video Please listen to it one by one It was an event to promote Broadway musicals, so the Broadway musical team was rehearsing one song at a time, but unlike the actual musical, you can take videos, and if you listen to it in various ways, you can feel the difference between musicals! What should we watch in a musical in New York, If you’re worried, I’ll upload a video Please listen to it one by one
I saw Aladdin in a musical in London before, and it was very good to listen to, and Michael Jackson and Six Musicals in New York were good to listen to, and Into the Woods and, above all, Moulin Rouge were very good to listen to, so I really wanted to watch them!! After the rotary, I have to watch it on Moulin Rouge Musical Broadway someday I saw Aladdin in a musical in London before, and it was very good to listen to, and Michael Jackson and Six Musicals in New York were good to listen to, and Into the Woods and, above all, Moulin Rouge were very good to listen to, so I really wanted to watch them!! After the rotary, I have to watch it on Moulin Rouge Musical Broadway someday
Disney Store 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036미국 Disney Store 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036미국
I came for a walk in Times Square, so I went to Disney store when there were no people, and the mice hated it so much that I loved Mikimini I came for a walk in Times Square, so I went to Disney store when there were no people, and the mice hated it so much that I loved Mikimini
It was still Halloween season, so it was decorated with Christmas nightmares and pumpkins, but now it’s covered with Christmas. Disney’s Christmas ornaments are beautiful, but I want them. Buy them for those who are going to New York It was still Halloween season, so it was decorated with Christmas nightmares and pumpkins, but now it’s covered with Christmas. Disney’s Christmas ornaments are beautiful, but I want them. Buy them for those who are going to New York
I was wondering how much the Disney Baby Doll that my brother gave me as a Christmas present was, and I had a stomachache Even if the exchange rate goes up a lot, it’s cheaper to buy it directly at Disney strike I was wondering how much the Disney Baby Doll that my brother gave me as a Christmas present was, and I had a stomachache Even if the exchange rate goes up a lot, it’s cheaper to buy it directly at Disney strike
Products collaborated between coach and Disney Those dolls are made of leather, and they have a luxurious feel Products collaborated between coach and Disney Those dolls are made of leather, and they have a luxurious feel
I wanted to buy it the last time I came to New York, but I’m still thinking about the Disney Princess miniature series… I heard you dropped me off gently. There’s no place to put it even if you take it with you I wanted to buy it the last time I came to New York, but I’m still thinking about the Disney Princess miniature series… I heard you dropped me off gently. There’s no place to put it even if you take it with you
I like Donald and Daisy better than Mickey Minnie. I bought Donald & Daisy dolls here at New York Disney Shop. I bought Donald & Daisy dolls here at New York Disney Shop. I bought Donald & Daisy dolls here at New York Disney Shop
Do I look like my brother Yoda? Do I look like my brother Yoda?
If you come to New York Times Square, even if you’re not interested in Disney, make sure to come and take a picture here I buy a lot of New York mini dolls, things to buy in New York as souvenirs, but I already bought them on my last trip to New York, so this time pass! Even the Statue of Liberty mini is really cute! I bought it as a souvenir from New York a few years ago, but this year’s dolls are a little bigger…I think it’s prettier before the renewal If you come to New York Times Square, even if you’re not interested in Disney, make sure to come and take a picture here I buy a lot of New York mini dolls, things to buy in New York as souvenirs, but I already bought them on my last trip to New York, so this time pass! Even the Statue of Liberty mini is really cute! I bought it as a souvenir from New York a few years ago, but this year’s dolls are a little bigger…I think it’s prettier before the renewal
The way up to the 2nd floor of Disney Store! Rapunzel Interior 2nd floor has dolls, clothes, and stuffed toys for a slightly larger child! The way up to the 2nd floor of Disney Store! Rapunzel Interior 2nd floor has dolls, clothes, and stuffed toys for a slightly larger child!
Cute dolls!! That Mickey doll is also an item that I buy more than I expected Cute dolls!! That Mickey doll is also an item that I buy more than I expected
The strawberry-scented Kojirasso doll and Lady and Trump, and the strawberry-scented Kojirasso doll and Lady and Trump
Disney designer Barbie dolls, which I thought were pretty when I saw that they were often sold by purchasing agents and vintage sellers, were sold at Disney stores, and the dress quality was amazing Disney designer Barbie dolls, which I thought were pretty when I saw that they were often sold by purchasing agents and vintage sellers, were sold at Disney stores, and the dress quality was amazing
There are also talking Woody and Buzz dolls!! The Tem Disney store, where boys (adult husbands also enjoyed it) are complaining about buying it when Delco comes, has a lot of things to see, and I almost forget how time goes by! Even when it’s very cold, you can come in and come out There are also talking Woody and Buzz dolls!! The Tem Disney store, where boys (adult husbands also enjoyed it) are complaining about buying it when Delco comes, has a lot of things to see, and I almost forget how time goes by! Even when it’s very cold, you can come in and come out
Disney Store · 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 미국★★★★★ · 장난감 가게 goo.gl Disney Store · 1540 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 미국★★★★★ · 장난감 가게 goo.gl
I went home, washed up, and came out after watching the theater of Harry Potter’s musical (though it’s like a play, not a musical). I wanted to take a picture with a mini in New York again at Disney Store, and they took it so well (I’ve never seen a Westerner take such a picture so smoothly) I went home, washed up, and came out after watching the theater of Harry Potter’s musical (though it’s like a play, not a musical). I wanted to take a picture with a mini in New York again at Disney Store, and they took it so well (I’ve never seen a Westerner take such a picture so smoothly)
Since I took a picture, let’s go for today’s schedule! I happened to pass by at the beginning of the first day of my trip to New York and it looks like a beautiful space restaurant, but it looks like a building hallway. I want to come here and eat brunch later Since I took a picture, let’s go for today’s schedule! I happened to pass by at the beginning of the first day of my trip to New York and it looks like a beautiful space restaurant, but it looks like a building hallway. I want to come here and eat brunch later
Sheraton New York Hotel is decorated with flowers and is not very gorgeous and pretty, but it is still very beautiful Sheraton New York Hotel is decorated with flowers and is not very gorgeous and pretty, but it is still very beautiful
뉴욕 W 53번가, 10019 미국 더 할랄 가이즈 6번가 &, 뉴욕 W 53번가, 10019 미국
브런치 후 점심은 할랄가이즈를 먹었습니다 오늘 일정은 뉴욕 모마미술관에 가기 때문에 모마 앞에 있는 할랄가이즈를 점심으로! 모마 가는 날 할랄가이즈처럼 코스를 넣는 것을 추천합니다 브런치 후 점심은 할랄가이즈를 먹었습니다 오늘 일정은 뉴욕 모마미술관에 가기 때문에 모마 앞에 있는 할랄가이즈를 점심으로! 모마 가는 날 할랄가이즈처럼 코스를 넣는 것을 추천합니다
할랄가이즈 본점이 있고 옆에 다른 곳도 있지만 오히려 맛은 다른 곳이 좋다고 하시는 분들도 있어서 저는 길지 않은 곳으로 주문했어요! 할랄 가이즈 레귤러 플래터 – 콤보이고 가격도 10달러이고 음료 가격도 싸고 양이 많아서 둘이 나눠 먹었는데 뉴욕에서 먹은 것 중에 가장 가성비가 좋고 저렴했던 음식이라고 생각해요 !! 할랄가이즈 본점이 있고 옆에 다른 곳도 있지만 오히려 맛은 다른 곳이 좋다고 하시는 분들도 있어서 저는 길지 않은 곳으로 주문했어요! 할랄 가이즈 레귤러 플래터 – 콤보이고 가격도 10달러이고 음료 가격도 싸고 양이 많아서 둘이 나눠 먹었는데 뉴욕에서 먹은 것 중에 가장 가성비가 좋고 저렴했던 음식이라고 생각해요 !!
노란색에 들어있는 마성의 소스와 빨간색 소스를 칙칙하게 뿌려 소스와 콤보(치킨&비프) 고기 그리고 양상추를 둘둘 섞어 아주 맛있었습니다 정말!! 조금 소스맛으로 먹는 느낌이기도하지만 한국에서 먹는것과는 정말 다른 뉴욕여행을 가면 꼭 할랄가이즈를 먹어보세요 세번째 뉴욕여행중에 이번에 처음으로 먹었는데 왜 이제야 먹었을까 생각했어요 값에 비해 아주 맛있다 노란색에 들어있는 마성의 소스와 빨간색 소스를 칙칙하게 뿌려 소스와 콤보(치킨&비프) 고기 그리고 양상추를 둘둘 섞어 아주 맛있었습니다 정말!! 조금 소스맛으로 먹는 느낌이기도하지만 한국에서 먹는것과는 정말 다른 뉴욕여행을 가면 꼭 할랄가이즈를 먹어보세요 세번째 뉴욕여행중에 이번에 처음으로 먹었는데 왜 이제야 먹었을까 생각했어요 값에 비해 아주 맛있다
The Halal Guys · 6th Avenue &, W 53rd St, New York, 10019 U.S. ★★★★☆ · Halal Food Shop goo.gl The Halal Guys · 6th Avenue &, W 53rd St, New York, 10019 U.S. ★★★★☆ · Halal Food Shop goo.gl
Finally, today’s destination, the Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, has arrived at MOMA! The moma store is also across the street, but for no reason the sparrow went to the rice mill.. The energy might end at the store, so let’s start with the museum Finally, today’s destination, the Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, has arrived at MOMA! The moma store is also across the street, but for no reason the sparrow went to the rice mill.. The energy might end at the store, so let’s start with the museum
MoMA11 W 53rd Street, New York, 10019 + MoMA11 W 53rd Street, New York, 10019 +
New York MOMA is sponsored by Hyundai Card, so not all Hyundai cards can be entered for free, and Hyundai Premium cards are almost ready. Unlike Europe, the U.S. has to pay all the admission fees to museums and museums, but if you have these free benefits, you must prepare them. Hyundai Card’s Manmansse New York Momo View is good to go to the top and go down to the bottom! (You have to pass the big, uninteresting part and save energy.) New York MOMA is sponsored by Hyundai Card, so not all Hyundai cards can be entered for free, and Hyundai Premium cards are almost ready. Unlike Europe, the U.S. has to pay all the admission fees to museums and museums, but if you have these free benefits, you must prepare them. Hyundai Card’s Manmansse New York Momo View is good to go to the top and go down to the bottom! (You have to pass the big, uninteresting part and save energy.)
I said I’d pass the museum shop for now, but I can’t overlook the shop in the rest area. Isn’t the history of art eco bag so cute Unlike Da Vinci, my style museum shop says I’ll pass for now, but I can’t overlook the shops in the rest area. Isn’t the history of art eco bag so cute Unlike Da Vinci, my style
The installation exhibition on the way was different from the last time I came here a few years ago, and there was that famous spider, and now it’s more pop art, and it’s written in English, and it’s more like a photo spot The installation exhibition on the way was different from the last time I came here a few years ago, and there was that famous spider, and now it’s more pop art, and it’s written in English, and it’s more like a photo spot
Moma can take pictures (no fresh) some of her favorite works Moma can take pictures (no fresh) some of her favorite works
Dali, and in fact, my favorite Dali’s works are as follows, and in fact, my favorite Dali’s works are as follows
I don’t know the name of the work in Friedakar, but it was a cool piece of glittering jewelry or ice I don’t know the name of the work in Friedakar, but it was a cool piece of glittering jewelry or ice
What I like, what I like, what I like, what I like, what I like
Van Gogh a work that is likely to be drawn into a starry moonlit night Van Gogh a work that is likely to be drawn into a starry moonlit night
I took a break in the middle and took a picture, and it rained that day, so I decided to go to Moma, but it looks blurry from outside the window If it rains on your trip to New York, make sure to include Moma in your schedule I took a break in the middle and took a picture, and it rained that day, so I decided to go to Moma, but it looks blurry from outside the window If it rains on your trip to New York, make sure to include Moma in your schedule
Scary but cool work, but scary… Jackson Pollock that you can’t spend even if you have billions of dollars at home Scary but cool work, but scary… Jackson Pollock that you can’t spend even if you have billions at home
Look at Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup Can and there’s even an iPhone emoji, right? Look at Andy Warhol’s Campbell Soup Can and there’s even an iPhone emoji, right?
I’m not sure whose work it is to come down and take pictures, but please let me know if you have any acquaintances you want to know!! I’m not sure whose work it is to come down and take pictures, but please let me know if you have any acquaintances you want to know!!
If it hadn’t rained, I could have gone out there and rested, but it rained and I couldn’t go out And finally, I spend more time at the MOMA Museum Shop Exhibition, in fact, in the museum’s souvenir section The museum shop in Moma, New York, sells goods related to art works as well as various living items that won this year’s Design Award, so you can enjoy seeing more!! You can see the lights of the Entredition Flower Pod, you can see Alessi, you can buy a lot of things, you can get a 20% discount if you buy it with a modern card at Moma Music Up Shop, so you’re full of desire to buy more!! There are many advantages to the price, so please take advantage of them If it hadn’t rained, I could have gone out there and rested, but it rained and I couldn’t go out And finally, I spend more time at the MOMA Museum Shop Exhibition, in fact, in the museum’s souvenir section The museum shop in Moma, New York, sells goods related to art works as well as various living items that won this year’s Design Award, so you can enjoy seeing more!! You can see the lights of the Entredition Flower Pod, you can see Alessi, you can buy a lot of things, you can get a 20% discount if you buy it with a modern card at Moma Music Up Shop, so you’re full of desire to buy more!! There are many advantages to the price, so please take advantage of them
There’s a vase of Yuri University and a prank part-time alto that I saw in Hey There’s a vase of Yuri University and a prank part-time alto that I saw in Hey
My brother just likes this kind of thing My brother just likes this kind of thing
And I thought about buying this whisky glass and whisky stone, so I took a picture and the Miffyoyo doll is very cute (I bought it if I had a child!!) And I thought about buying this whisky glass and whisky stone, so I took a picture and the Miffyoyo doll is very cute (I bought it if I had a child!!)
There are many design books, so I can really forget the time and visit them. I wanted Lego books without any reason (I don’t like Lego very much) There are many design books, so I can really forget the time and visit them. I wanted Lego books without any reason (I don’t like Lego very much)
And the whisky glass I just came back to buy!! It’s not easy to get it in Korea, and I bought it as a gift for whiskey lovers because it’s hard to melt ice when I put whiskey in it and drink it And the whisky glass I just came back to buy!! It’s not easy to get it in Korea, and I bought it as a gift for whiskey lovers because it’s hard to melt ice when I put whiskey in it and drink it
You can get the ice stone of whiskey in Korea, so pass! This tara cup is beautiful, too You can get the ice stone of whiskey in Korea, so pass! This tara cup is beautiful, too
The man-to-man T-shirt of the goods on display earlier was also pretty, but the price is not pretty I MEAN YOU !! The man-to-man T-shirt of the goods on display earlier was also pretty, but the price is not pretty I MEAN YOU !!
This Book Can Do Anything !! I bought this book because it was so cute inside that I wanted to give it to my friend’s baby as a present. Miffy Light is cute, but I let go of it This Book Can Do Anything !! I bought this book because it was so cute inside that I wanted to give it to my friend’s baby as a present. Miffy Light is cute, but I let go of it
MoMA Design Store – Midtown · 44 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019 미국★★★★★ · 생활용품점 품점 goo.gl MoMA Design Store – Midtown · 44 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019 미국★★★★★ · 생활용품점 goo.gl
It was as interesting as the MOMA Museum The museum shop is located in MOMA’s building, and there is a separate MOMA design store across from MOMA! The opening time here is a little different, so I recommend you to go to the Moma Design Store even if it’s not on your itinerary. The MOMA Design Store also offers 20% discount if you pay with Hyundai Card It was as interesting as the MOMA Museum The museum shop is located in MOMA’s building, and there is a separate MOMA design store across from MOMA! The opening time here is a little different, so I recommend you to go to the Moma Design Store even if it’s not on your itinerary. The MOMA Design Store also offers 20% discount if you pay with Hyundai Card
It’s similar to the MOMA Museum shop, but the product structure is a little different!! both places of great fun It’s similar to the MOMA Museum shop, but the product structure is a little different!! both places of great fun
MOMA has a lot of entredation products. There is also a MOMA’s favorite MOMA glass cake stand MOMA has a lot of entredation products. There is also a MOMA’s favorite MOMA glass cake stand
Alessie’s kitchen equipment and George Nelson’s watch are also very cute Alessie’s kitchen equipment and George Nelson’s watch are also very cute
It’s expensive, wow… I think it’s wonderful, but there are many good items to buy as souvenirs and give as gifts that people around you have traveled to New York, so please make sure to go to Moma Music Up Shop and Design Store to buy souvenirs from New York It’s expensive, wow… I think it’s wonderful, but there are many good items to buy as souvenirs and give as gifts that people around you have traveled to New York, so please make sure to go to Moma Music Up Shop and Design Store to buy souvenirs from New York
Museum of Contemporary Art, New York 11W 53rd St, New York, NY10019 America★★★★★ · Museum of Contemporary Art goo.gl Museum of Contemporary Art in New York ·11W 53rd St, New York, NY10019 America★★★★★ · Museum of Contemporary Art goo.gl
This is not the end of the first day of the trip, but it will be long, so today’s posting will be over here This is not the end of the first day of the trip, but it will be long, so today’s posting will be over here